SceneNav - Smooth & Fast Scene Navigation

SceneNav - Smooth & Fast Scene Navigation

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SceneNav is a Unity Editor extension which allows you to quickly navigate in your scenes, especially useful for moving quickly to a desired target location on large terrains.



As you can see from my youtube channel I really love to combine all kinds of assets, experimenting with variations, getting quick results. However one thing that's been bothering me and is very tedious is the navigation in the scene view. I thought about how the movement can become quicker. So the idea of SceneNav came up. And I wanted to share this with everyone, I think you will find this asset quite useful.




SceneNav provides a means to zoom out, point at a desired destination by providing a preview of that destination and to zoom back in to that desired target. As such it's supposed to enhance your workflow by allowing quick navigation across your scene.


SceneNav is based on actual use cases. Projects which require a fast workflow for scene creation. With emphasis on focusing on the project without being slowed down by Unity's lack of proper tools for navigation around the scene. Especially scenes with large terrains.


As such I tried to keep the accessibility convenient for you while having the functionality help you speed up your workflow.


SceneNav comes with preconfigured presets. Depending on your own workflow and scene size you can adapt those presets to your personal needs. As such I tried to keep SceneNav very flexible.




Currently there are 3 presets and key bindings available which you can use. The default key bindings are Shift+1, Shift+2 and Shift+3. You can adapt those in the Shortcuts manager of Unity to meet your own personal requirements.


Depending on feedback I can extend the amount of presets. 3 just seemed to be the sweet spot for general use cases.




SceneNav uses a raycast in order to pick a destination. With that in mind the target destination needs to have a collider.




While navigating with SceneNav it suggested itself to add a


  • History of navigation points and
  • Favorites


These allow for quick browsing to a preferred target at the click of a button. As such they are similar to bookmarks, hence the name.


Technical details

SceneNav allows you to quickly change the location in your scene. It does so by providing keybinds with presets for zooming out, getting a preview of the target location and then zooming to that target location.

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