Runner Action Animation Pack

Runner Action Animation Pack

File Version
File size
375.7 MB
Only Premium, VIP or Exclusive Users

This Package contains about 400 different situational key animations for creating runner games or action characters. 385 Root motions and 481 Inplace motions, Sum 866 Number of files.

Animation Configuration

Part1. Movement Type Animations

Part2. Escape Action Type Animations

Part3. Jump Action Type Animations

Part4. Attack Action Type Animations

Part5. Collision Reaction Type Animations

Part6. Wallrun Type Animations


Technical details

Product information

Character is setup with Humanoid configuration and it included 5 finger bones and twist bones of shoulders, arms and legs.

All animations are neatly organized in the scene so that you can easily find them part by part.

Most of the animations provides both root motion and in-place motion, with the exception of some motions divided by need.

The promotional video's model is not included as an asset in the actual runner package, but a dummy model with exactly the same skeletal structure, naming, and size replaces it.

Most of the animations provides both root motion and in-place motion, with the exception of some motions divided by need.

The promotional video's model is not included as an asset in the actual runner package, but a dummy model with exactly the same skeletal structure, naming, and size replaces it.

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