Fantasy Map Creator 2

Fantasy Map Creator 2

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Fantasy Map Creator 2 is a set of stylized images for creating a full-fledged color map or game location in a graphics editor with no need of artistic skills or a graphics tablet.

Fantasy Map Creator 2 is a set of stylized images for creating a full-fledged color map or game location in a graphics editor with no need of artistic skills or a graphics tablet.

Now everyone can create a color map in a short period of time without hiring an artist, or having experience with a graphics editor.


What can be created with Fantasy Map Creator 2?

  • High quality 2D maps for games.
  • Game field. Quality of the pictures allows them to be used as a levels' editor, like in "Heroes of Might and Magic."
  • Invent your own world and show it to your team.
  • Design a book.
  • Draw a map for quests.
  • Create a trailer for the world of your game mixed with the gameplay.

Disclaimer: You can't return a package once it's been downloaded. The package does not include fonts, only pictures.


Technical details

Package includes:


1) Backgrounds (PNG 4-8k size.) 36 files in total:


6 backgrounds (summer, autumn, winter, desert, cursed earth and water)

5 large continents (with 2 types of coverage - sand and grass)

5 islands (with 2 types of surface - sand and grass)

3 shores - vertical, horizontal and diagonal (with 3 types of shores each - no shore, stone shore, sandy shore)


2) Mountains, rivers, lakes, the woods (PNG 128x...x1024 pixel size) 159 files in total:


Contains Christmas trees, common trees, palm trees, fallen trees,

Mountains with different climates and ledges

4 types of rivers

5 types of lakes

lava, rocks, volcano, small patches of land, etc.


3) Buildings (PNG 128x...x1024 pixel size) 95 files in total:


Different types of castles, forts, cities, villages, walls, bridges, dams, houses, towers, dungeon entrances, temples, etc. (some in arctic or hot climates).


4) Objects (PNG 128x...x512 pixel size) 58 files in total:


Caves, destroyed buildings and villages, monsters, statues, portals, ships, plants, etc.


5) Icons and checkboxes (PNG 256x...x1024 pixel size) 41 files in total:


Icons to indicate places or tasks, compass, frames and flags for inscriptions.


6) Paper and textures (PNG 4-8k size) 8 files in total:


Elements for card design (instruction on how yo use them is included to the guide).


7) PDF Guide with answers to frequently asked questions, with tips and a step-by-step usage description.

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