Enjoyable First Person Controller

Enjoyable First Person Controller

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32.5 MB
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Simple and enjoyable first person controller. Perfect as the basis for any first person games.

Built in system for returning the player when falling through "through textures".


✔️First Person Camera Features
• Bobbing
• Leaning
• Motion animations


✔️Character Controller Features
• Rigidbody based
• Can push physical objects
• Moving platforms
• Swimming
• Diving
• Jumping
• Crouching
• Dash
• Sprinting
• Slow walking
• Ladders
• Teleports
• Footsteps
• Used new unity Input System
• Gamepad support


⚠️ The asset is presented as a finished project, imported into your project with the replacement of all project settings. Before adding to your existing project, keep this in mind and make sure you make a backup. It is recommended that you import the asset into a new project. ⚠️

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